The god Parvati
She is the daughter of Parvataraja, king of the mountains, and of Menadevi. She was a worshiper of Shiva from her childhood and Parvati vowed to marry Shiva. The latter, ascetic, refused to her. To prove her love and devotion, she withdrew into the forest as a sign of penance.
Shiva disguised himself as a Brahmin and went to see Parvati to test his will. Impressed by her spiritual strength, Shiva asked Parvataraja for her daughter's hand.
The marriage of Shiva and Parvati was celebrated with pomp.
Parvati is the benevolent form of Shakti, the mother goddess. She is the symbol of the loving wife She is the mother of Ganesh and Skanda. She lives on top of Mount Kailasa.
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