If you were to create an Indian restaurant in France, what would you call it? Probably not "New Delhi" or "Bombay", there is a good chance that you choose the "Taj Mahal", which is one of the most famous wonders of the world and is an iconic landmark of the India, with, in addition, a strong sentimental connotation. Well know that you would not be the only one to choose this name since there are 95 establishments that bear this name, most of them being restaurants. There are still two beauty salons named so, which is original but not abnormal, and that's it.
The following study is not a serious job, it is just an analysis of the results given by pagesjaunes.fr, the reference site in the search for telephone number. I searched for all the establishments bearing the name of Taj Mahal and classified them.

Restaurant 'Le Taj Mahal', at Manosque
First surprise, there is less than I thought. I thought that every medium-sized town had at least one Indian restaurant and, knowing that the majority are Taj Mahal, I was expecting to find many. This is not the case, many cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants have none. After some research I found that I was more mistaken about the name than the fact that there are no such restaurants in these cities, there are, but they have other names. I overestimated the evocative power of the Taj Mahal ... Another surprise, there are no two restaurants named "The Taj Mahal" in the same city, with the exception of Nantes and Bordeaux. If I did not expect to find many, I thought that it would happen in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, etc. And third surprise, the big cities of France do not necessarily, and when they have, so it's just one, as in Paris, Toulouse or Nice.
Most of these restaurants are in medium-sized cities or in the suburbs of larger cities, with few in the provinces and smaller cities. But it's really the exception. When it comes to geographical distribution, several regions simply do not have one, this is the case for the overseas regions (with the notable exception of Réunion), Corsica and Limousin. It is surprising that there is none in Mayotte because like Reunion, this island is close to India, which has increased the population of Indian origin and therefore should, mathematically, increase the number of restaurants Indian on the spot. There must be other factors that come into play and I do not control, not being there. If the geographical distribution of Indian restaurants named "Taj Mahal" follows approximately that of the density of the population. The more people there are, the more chance of finding such a restaurant. It is therefore the Ile-de-France that counts the most (28), followed by Rhones-Alpes, and PACA (7), then come Franche-Comté and Pays de la Loire (5 each), other regions with between 4 and 0.
What good can this study serve?
Well not much, it must be said. Since this website explains everything about the Taj Mahal, why not do some statistics on French restaurants named as well? After that, it really does not have any other interest, except that to have fun to learn perfectly useless things that will allow you to shine in society.
You should also know that these data come from the site pagesjaunes.fr, which is not necessarily a guarantee of completeness, even if we can imagine that it provides a fairly complete list, and especially that the study was made in 2016 and has not been refreshed since, so this is not a list on which to base to find your Indian restaurant. There are indeed risks that the one you choose is closed. And then, it would be to ignore the other Indian restaurants in your place of residence, which would be a shame for them. It is not because this site deals with Taj Mahal that it must ignore other restaurants ...
List of restaurants named "Taj Mahal"
Here is the list of Indian restaurants named "Taj Mahal", or a similar name in relation to the monument, list restricted to France (metropolitan and overseas), with their addresses. Be careful, this list is a kind of photography made in early 2016, it is not intended to be updated. It is classified by region.

Establishments named Taj Mahal
Alsace-Champagne-Ardennes-Lorraine : 12
Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charente : 9
Auvergne-Rhones-Alpes : 8
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté : 8
Centre-Val de Loire : 1
Normandie : 4
Nord-Pas de Calais-Picardie : 6
Pays de la Loire : 5
See also: