Are there any copies of the Statue of Liberty in the United States? Just to ask the question seems ridiculous because it seems obvious that there is a crowd scattered throughout the United States. It must be said that the majority of Americans believe that the original statue, that of New York, is American (According to survey done in 1986, which dates a little it is true ...). It is with motivation that he magnifies the statue everywhere in their territory. They are not all in large cities, there are many in hamlets, towns of medium importance. Most of the time they come from a need for commemoration, sometimes to celebrate the centenary of the city, sometimes a local personality, but often they were set up to commemorate the soldiers who died during the various conflicts that the United States: First and Second World War, Korean War, Vietnam, etc.
There are also many, in the United States, advertising replicas. The statue of Liberty has a very good image in the population, some businessmen do not hesitate to take advantage by naming their company with the word "Freedom" and by putting the statue in logo. In this case, a large replica in front of their company is very seller. This is the case of several law firms, for example, or brokerage firms. There are also those who have a relationship with Miss Liberty who use it commercially. For example, the company that made the windows of the crown, when they were replaced in 1986, did not hesitate to order a replica of the statue to put it in front of their premises, prominently. There are several cases like that. Finally there are private individuals who, for a reason of their own, install a replica at home. Generally well visible in the public space, they are quite incongruous, because unexpected in a particular. But this trait is not peculiar to Americans (what more sensitive): We find such statues in Canada, France, etc.
Boy Scout Campaign
It should also be noted that in 1949 a militant campaign was held to erect replicas of the Statue of Liberty throughout the territory. On the initiative of businessman Whitaker, a native of Kansas, this campaign was carried by the American boy scouts who organized the selection of places, who chose a sculptor and a foundry, negotiated prices and delivery, etc. 200 statues were manufactured, all identical, they were installed on all the American territory, that is in the States of the continent on in the territories overseas. These statues are not quite identical to the original, they differ in the youth of the face, which looks more like a girl than a woman, and some details, including the port of the tablet, a little too much forward. Of these statues only half are still in place, most have been renovated but those that have not been are in poor condition. They are often in front of the county hotel, sometimes in front of the courthouse, but often in a park, serving as a memorial. The pedestals are the responsibility of the community where it has been installed, they are very diverse, simple concrete block with beautiful pedestals, all in stone. Some have been reconverted into fountains.
These statues were set up between 1949 and 1951 under the name of the campaign "Strengthening the Freedom Arm". A list is as exhaustive as possible here because the list below does not take them into account.
Learn more about the operation "Strengthening the Freedom Arm"
List of copies in the United States

Replica of Paragould
Paragould (Arkansas)
Recent metallic statue, rather successful, in front of City Hall. It dates from 1920, and serves as a monument to the dead of the First World War.

Replica of Birmingham
Birmingham (Alabama)
This replica is a disproportionate stand, which rises very high. It is located next to the headquarters of the Boy Scouts. It has a curiosity: It is a real flame that burns in the flame ... Initially she decorated the building of the "Liberty National Life Insurance Company."

Replica of Glendale
Glendale (Arizona)
In Arizona, more precisely in the city of Glendale, the "New Yorker Restaurant" offers typical dishes. To increase its customer base, it displays high originated on the East Coast with this beautiful statue, relatively compliant. The crown of the rays are too broad and bend to the ground, and the tablet is held too much on the side, but otherwise it is fairly well done. Her face, too, is not especially like. Its main interest is its base, faithful reproduction of it on which the original statue. It is rare that the base is reproduced identically, the work of the artist lie mainly in the statue itself. It has a size similar to that of a human, a little larger perhaps, and the whole is made of metal.

Replica of Phoenix
Phoenix (Arizona)
Strange vision than this statue, in Phoenix, Arizona. It is located on the grounds of an individual and serves as luxury luminaire. The house is on 7th Avenue, just north of McDowell Road. It is rather well made, with the exception of rays of the crown, too vertical, and the more it is valued on an original flat base.

Replica of San Marcos
San Marcos (California)
The statue of San Marcos is probably one of those furthest from the original. She has the right to quote for the will to make a replica of the New Yorker statue is obvious, but the artist deliberately distanced himself with the work of Bartholdi. First the statue depicts a man and not a woman. Her arm is not stretched, it does not shelf door, her hand right arm down. So it is a rather original statue that stands there. It is before the "Liberty Storage Yards Contractors" in San Marcos (California) at 817 East Mission Road, San Marcos, CA.

Replica of Cathedral City
Cathedral City (California)
This copy has a special feature: It serves as a fountain, which is extremely rare for a statue of Liberty. It is located in California, Cathedral City, just south of Dinah Store on Date Palm Drive. The Dinah Store, it is a furniture store. This statue is not uncommon, it is molded plastic, but has several shortcomings, including the rays of the crown too high, the tablet held too far from the body and the folds of the gown too little identical to the original statue. The torch was replaced as often, by a fixture: This one is particularly large. She is standing on a small tiled pedestal in the center of a small water jet pool.

Réplique d'Oakhurst
Oakhurst (California)
This copy of the Statue of Liberty is one of the most beautiful that I have ever contemplate. It is not without flaws, but the quality of reproduction, attention to detail, efforts to make a statue worthy of the name make it a candidate for the finest reproduction of this site. Among the drawbacks are her face, too, her lower body, too narrow, the rays of the crown, identical with each other while on the original statue, they have different sizes, and the position of fingers on the handle of the torch. There is also the form of the flames of the torch, which is not quite true to the original, especially the position of the left arm, much too low. Poor's downright disabled! But what is most important is still the quality of the work done on this statue.
The visitor can see near the Highway 41 to Hokhurst, California, in the parking lot of the Best Western.

Replica of Fair Oak
Fair Oak (California)
This terracotta statue is located in California, at the entrance of art studio Sacramento Waldorf School. It was constructed by section so that each piece can be baked, all that can not be. We have no idea why she has no right arm, maybe it's because it was not built yet, or that it was not satisfactory. Note that the crown has only 5 instead of 7 branches.

Réplique d'Evans
Evans (California)
The Statue of Liberty is located in Evans, California, it serves as a memorial to veterans of the city. The set is quite harmonious, with the inevitable American flag, monuments and some flowers to decorate the whole. The base of the statue is rather simple but original, in the sense that we rarely find such a pedestal for the Statue of Liberty. The statue itself is very well done, the proportions are good, the folds of the gown are frank, successful crown.

Replica of San Jose
San Jose (California)
Superb reproduction of the Statue of Liberty, the statue is located at the entrance of the model home of the company New Horizon, San Jose (California). It is remarkable for several elements: Its golden color firstly perfectly uniform, it spark day. Accuracy then, some elements have been reproduced to perfection, which is quite rare: Torch, tablet, ring, etc. Negative points concern the drape, too simplistic and lack of broken chains of slavery, which is fairly standard. This is a light, the globe of the torch lights up at night.

Replica of San Francisco
San Francisco (California)
This replica of the Statue of Liberty is at the entrance of Pier 35, the 35th pontoon port. It's a pontoon used as a terminal for cruise ships, so the statue welcomes visitors departing or arriving from San Francisco. It was carved from a log. Another block of wood serves as its base. It is characterized by its violent colors, her blond hair, and her outfit in the colors of the American flag.

Replica of Foothill Ranch
Foothill Ranch (California)
This statue is a purely commercial replica. Installed in the restaurant "Red Robins" in Foothill Ranch (California), it measures 10 feet high. Its main feature? She is holding a hamburger in hand. We forgive him, it is primarily an advertising sign.

Réplique d'Oakland
Oakland (California)
Very nice photo of a rather basic but ok statue in its reproduction, if not the strange red torch appears to be a lamppost. It is a replica of decreased base, but relatively faithful in style to the original statue. It is in front of the restaurant Quinn's Lighthouse Restaurant and Pub, at the pier Cove Marina, 1951 Embarcadero, Oakland.

Réplique d'El Monte
El Monte (California)
Small green statue, as usual. It is in front of the town hall of El Monte, California.

Replica of Boulder
Boulder (Colorado)
Replica advertising if any, this statue will stand up erect in her hand a hamburger instead of the traditional torch. It is a will of the one who ordered it to turn into a woman Miss Liberty sandwich ... an expression that suits him perfectly! It is inside the Red Robin Restaurant in Boulder, Colorado.

Replica of Cripple Creek
Cripple Creek (California)
It is near Cripple Creek, Colorado, lies the strange replica of the statue. It is on private property and her vision seems completely incongruous in this landscape. It is erected on a simple pedestal, which seems to be wooden, but the statue itself seems to be plastic color. Her torch was transformed into luminaire.

Replica of Pueblo
Pueblo (California)
This replica well done and kept quite has the characteristic of being black. She is on a trapezoidal pedestal and has no less than 4 commemorative plaques: one for the dead during the First World War, one for the second, to those of the Korean War and the last for the dead of the war in Viet -Nam. There is a fifth plate for 4 persons Pueblo who received the Medal of Honor.

Replica of North Port
North Port (Florida)
Florida, North Port, is a beautiful replica of the Statue of Liberty. It is located on the parking of "Old World Restaurant", a famous restaurant there, home to many local activities. This statue is particularly successful, it's rare enough to report. Her face, if it is not entirely consistent, is well drawn, the lines are clearly drawn. The folds of the gown are frank, wearing the torch is correct. She inevitable light bulb, placed at the center of a globe. It is perched on a very original pedestal, a highly decorated piece of unexpected style.

Replica of Seminole
Seminole (Florida)
A Seminole, Florida, the American Legion has placed a replica of the fairly small statue on a pontoon, a kind of balcony designed to elevate the information panel. It is at the following address: American Legion, Post 252, Seminole, FL. This statue is quite successful, though looking more closely it have some flaws. But the overall impression is correct.

Replica of Bartow
Bartow (Florida)
It's along the promenade Veterans Memorial that is, in Bartow, the replica of the Statue of Liberty. It is, more precisely, to the southeast corner of South Broadway and Mann Avenue Road. Bartow is Florida. On its base of brick, very massive and not very successful, there is a plate on which the visitor reads: Designed by and Donated to The City of Bartow - Veterans Memorial Walk - May 31, 1993 - Statue of Liberty - November 11, 2000 - Max Thornburg

Replica of Madeira Beach
Madeira Beach (Florida)
This statue is not very successful, it must be said. Made from any polymer, it is rude, her toga does not fall like the original, it takes the tablet too far forward and its rays are too vertical. Moreover the hand holding the torch was not at all the right position, and the flame, replaced by a simple bulb is ridiculous ... The statue can be seen in front of a residence in Madeira Beach, Florida. It is at 14109 North Bayshore Drive. A few years ago what is there.

Réplica of Miami Beach
Miami Beach (United States)
It is only the head of the Statue of Liberty. She is standing at the entrance of a large Miami Beach hotel, prominently. It seems to be a quality replica, with fine lines, and made with good materials.

Replica of Minneola
Minneola (Florida)
The statue of Minneola is located on the west side of the "House of Presidents" (House of Presidents), along Highway 27. This is a Florida tourist attraction with among other replicas of the White House . The statue itself is not extraordinary, but it is just waiting for such a location.

Replica of Pinellas Park
Pinellas Park (Florida)
This replica of the Statue of Liberty is on the sign of the center Attilio DeCosmo, which, as everyone does not know is on the corner of 49th Street and 68th Avenue, in Pinellas Park, Florida. This copy is commercial, it is not meant to be studied from every angle, and fortunately because obviously it is quite simple, just worked. Its originality? It is having a torch entremellées make two rods, one red and one yellow.

Réplique d'Orlando
Orlando (Florida)
It was in Florida that found this beautiful replica of the Statue of Liberty. She's on top of a carousel in the amusement park "Fun Spot America" in Orlando. It was in this city that we find most amusement parks in the state, that of serving as Disney locomotive other. The carousel is a creation of "Chance Ride Manufacturing". The statue rotates with the carousel, so it believes it has a beautiful view of the park!

Replica of Sarasota
Sarasota (Florida)
This copy of the statue is located in Sarasota, Florida. This is an advertising sign for the garage Eric at 2650 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota. This small statue is cast as her white overall appearance proves it. But it was painted in American colors, which makes it a little nicer. It must be said that her face is not very successful. Apart from that, there is not much to say about it, the torch is a little unusual, but the crown is faithful to the New York statue, and that's rare.

Replica of Sarasota
Sarasota (Florida)
Statue traditional advertising, it measures about 2.50m tall and meets quite well the proportions of the original statue. She holds a torch transformed into luminous globe, which is fairly standard in the reproductions. It is on a very high pedestal that rises at the restaurant roof level which it touts. It is at Phillipi Creek Oyster Bar at Phillipi Creek. It is an oyster bar.

Replica of Tampa
Tampa (Florida)
In the city of Tampa visitors can see the reproduction of the Statue of Liberty on the sidewalk. If it is not particularly successful she is not particularly missed, which makes ordinary. Its huge luminous globe frankly all waste, but not as much as this hideous concrete base painted hastily in white. Too bad because the statue itself is well reproduced. It is located in the city of Tampa, at the parking entrance of the store "Galaxy Fireworks" at the 200th block of Martin Luther King Boulevard.

Replica of St Petersburg
St Petersburg (Florida)
This rather crude replica of the Statue of Liberty is located at 2929 5th Avenue in North, in St. Petersburg, Florida. It adorns the entrance to the offices of lawyers Arturo Rios. If the base is simple but successful, the statue is less, by the poor quality of its finishes. It takes too much light for her.

Replica of Treasure Island
Treasure Island (Florida)
This replica of the Statue of Liberty has an advertising purpose, it is on the roof of a shopping center. Just below, there is a shop, "Sunny Gifts," which is the entrance to the shopping center "Liberty Resort Management". It lies at the intersection of Gulf Boulevard and 107th Avenue in Treasure Island, Florida.

Replica of BlueRidge
BlueRidge (Georgia)
This reproduction of the Statue of Liberty is quite simple, it is quite loyal what the stroke is a bit too large. The port of the tablet is correct, as well as 7-rays of the crown, and yet it is not easy to reproduce without errors. It is located in the town of Blue Ridge, Georgia (USA), ahead of former Fannin County building.

Replica of Dalton
Dalton (Georgia)
The city has the Square of Liberty, necessarily decorated with a pretty stylized statue.

Replica of McRae
McRae (Georgia)
In 1986 the Lion's Club McRae decided to erect a statue of Liberty in their city. Members raised funds, but the harvest was too skinny to hope melt an original statue. By cons, they obtained a lot of material to make the statue, so they decided to do it themselves. The result is not very consistent with the original, leaving the aesthetic to be desired. But the will of a handful of volunteers has succeeded: Deliver a Miss Liberty in their city. Anecdotally, they also made a "Liberty Bell." For that, they recuperated the old bell of the fire station and the split open a large sledgehammer. Successful operation, the bell now looks like that of Philadelphia.

Replica of Roswell
Roswell (Georgia)
Statue missed frankly face, this replica of Roswell, Georgia, is relatively insignificant. It is small, it is a little worn, and she has no rays on her crown. Tablet and toga are too big, only her torch (hollow) looks very much like that of the original statue. It is at the intersection of Highway 9 and Sloan Road, Roswell (GA)

Replica of Tallulah Gorge
Tallulah Gorge (Georgia)
If the location of this reproduction of the Statue of Liberty is paradise, which changes a little eternal American inner cities, this statue is just ridiculous because of its small size and its huge illuminated globe. Its small size is justified by the fact that she underwent surgery at the hip: It was cut in half and resoldered after removal of the hips. So, she proportion. Tallulah Gorge is near Clayton, Georgia, and this statue is on the terrace of a restaurant overlooking the valley.

Replica of Cedar Rapids
Cedar Rapids (Ioha)
The city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is a winter city, very north of the United States. It has a replica of the Statue of Liberty for quite some years. It is located at the intersection of 1st Avenue and the local river, the (or) Cedar. Note that during the month of June 2008, the Cedar overflowed. The level was so high that the statue was under water!

Replica of Waterloo
Waterloo (Ioha)
This copy is at Veterans Memorial Park near "Blackhawk County War Memorial" in Waterloo, Iowa. It is in the middle of the sidewalk, on a very high pedestal, beige stone. The copper plate, just below, indicates that this is one of the many replicas made by the Boy Scouts in 1950 for that. It is clearly visible from everywhere, including the road crossing the river.

Replica of West Point
West Point (Ioha)
The Statue of Liberty is located in West Point City Park. It looks like those that have been put in place across the United States in the 50s, for the Boy Scouts. She's probably in bronze, and is perched on an impressive stand, almost too big for the size of the statue. This base is exposed stone and many architectural details suggest a replica of the real bedrock of Miss Liberty in New York. Near the statue is found in the park, a war memorial.

Réplique du Lake Pend Oreille
Lake Pend Oreille (Idaho)
This statue is recent, it is made of resin. It is located on Lake Pend Oreille, a large lake in Idaho, as this state has many. It is surrounded by mountains, so even if you can relate it to a city, it is rather known as the Statue of Liberty Lake Pend Oreille. It is at the end of a long narrow pontoon concrete advance twenty meters into the lake.

Replica of Melrose Park
Melrose Park (Illinois)
This fairly simple replica of the statue on the roof of a familly company Melrose Park, Illinois. The two American flags surrounding it proves patriotism owners. Artistically this statue is not very interesting, it has some defect such as the position of the fingers on the torch, crown the rays that leave too much up in the air and folds of the gown in the arm, too broad.

Replica of Chicago
Chicago (Illinois)
This reproduction of the Statue of Liberty is original by the impressive size of her crown, which really gives the impression that this is a hat, or even a sombero. Furthermore the size of the statue is relatively small in its proportions. It is located at 2392 North Milwaukee Milwaukee Avenue in the bank "Liberty Bank for Savings". It serves as an advertising sign on a building of the 60 in the middle of a neighborhood where no other building is modern.

Réplique d'Hanna City
Hanna City (Illinois)
This replica is quite interesting because it is relatively faithful to the original, except for the course lamppost. It is made of copper and is at the center of a small personal memorial. To its right there is the American Eagle (who does not one, actually) and Liberty Bell, the original is in Philadelphia. It is not easy to find because it belongs to a private, who put on her land. The address is on Glasford Road, 7 miles south of the city of Hanna City.

Replica of Clarksville
Clarksville (Indiana)
This modest replica of the statue is the 1035 South Clark Boulevard in the city of Clarkville, Indiana. It serves as an advertising sign in a small center of economic activity. There is nothing to say special, except that it is not bad at all reproduced.

Replica of Dale
Dale (Indiana)
It is located on Highway Dale at number 231. Dale is a city of Indiana. It is quite interesting but has some design flaws, as its port of the tablet, too open on the front. The crown, by cons, is fairly well reproduced. It is laid on a simple plain concrete base. It can be freely seen from the outside, although it is a private property.

Replica of Plymouth
Plymouth (Indiana)
Do not confuse this with the statue of the campaign "Strengthening Freedom arm", which dates from 1950 and was to install 200 replicas all over the country. This statue will, in Plymouth, did not belong, despite its similar traits. It is located in front of the courthouse in Plymouth, Indiana, and serves as a memorial to the September 11 attacks.

Replica of Terre Haute
Terre Haute (Indiana)
This human-sized reproduction of the Statue of Liberty is in Terre Haute, Indiana. It serves as a memorial to those who defended liberty, but it is a small memorial, much like a secular oratory. It has no inscription plate. From a practical point of view, her torch is public lighting. It is located in front of the VFW Post 972.

Replica of Glen Elder
Glen Elder (Kansas)
This replica is in Glen Elder, a Kansas town. Specifically it is downtown, in a very nice public park. It was mounted like a little brick monument. The statue, it is in white stone. This is a gift that was made by Emily Slavin to the municipality in 1950. The pedestal and the small monument on which it is currently located was financed thanks to the fundraising done in the city by "Glen Elder American Legion Post 143 "and the" Glen Elder American Legion Post 143 Ladies' Auxiliary".

Replica of Olive Hill
Olive Hill (Kentucky)
This copy of the Statue of Liberty is not very large but is relatively consistent with the original, at least in comparison to other less successful replicas. It is made of polymer, the details of the gown to be minor. How are folded fingers on the handle of the toche is original, it is just if it will not fall from her hands! This statue serves as a memorial, it is located along US 60, just before you get to the old school of Olive Hill, now the "Olive Hill Historical Society."

Replica of Pineville
Pineville (Kentucky)
Finally an original statue of a beautiful pink color. It is in this small town of Pineville, close to City Hall. It serves as a lamppost.

Replica of Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge (Louisiana)
It's looking up you will see the copy of the statue of Liberty. It is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and more exactly on top of the pizza Johnny De Angelo, at 4606 Jones Creek Road. This pizzeria is "White oak Village shopping center," the local mall. The statue is visible from everywhere, her silhouetted in the sky. Artistically, it is not interesting, it is just a piece of molded plastic rather crude way, but it's still an effect. The torch has been replaced by a light, which is quite conventional.

Replica of la Nouvelle-Orleans
New-Orleans (Louisiana)
This replica is in New Orleans, United States (Louisiana). Measuring approximately 3 meters high, it is fairly well made and looks pretty well to the original statue. The horizontal black mark, which extends over the walls behind her is the height has reached the water during the flood that occurred at the time of Katrina storm. This photo was taken can after this storm.

Replica of North Andover
North Andover (Massachussetts)
The North Andover city has a large statue of Liberty performed quite well. She just its rays coming a little too low and its tablet range a little too far from the body. It is located on private property but can be seen from the street without problem.

Replica of Natick
Natick (Massachussetts)
Once reproduction of the Statue of Liberty in advertising pub. This however, is more interesting than the others because it is a fairly high fidelity, whatever the rays coming out of her crown are too constricted and too short gown on the front. But the quality is there, it must be said. The statue used to teach a mini golf course named "Golf on the Village Green." It is located in the town of Natick, exactly along the road No. 9 in East Natick. The main building serves as support for various objects: the roof supports an air hockey table, pool table, and of course the Statue of Liberty, facing the parking lot. It is surrounded by flags. It measures about 6 feet tall, torch included, and it has the same verdigris color as the original statue, except the torch, deep red. The owners retire during the winter months, to see so you have to get to another period from November to April.
A Natick there is a second statue of Liberty, but this one is on the golf course there is the territory of the city. She is on lawns and requires pay to view

Replica of Baltimore
Baltimore (Maryland)
This is a replica of the statue although strangely positioned at the end of a pontoon. We are in the port of Baltimore, Maryland, pontoon water taxi. One of the poles hosts the statue, a replica that looks very well reproduced, with the exception of her torch, replaced by a lamp. It is possible that this light used to night navigation in the harbor. Still, it is not easy to do, take a boat to admire it from the front.

Réplique d'Holly
Holly (Michigan)
The second statue of Holly is not end of the campaign of Boy Scouts in 1950, it still does not have the characteristics, particularly the young face. It stands on a rather high pedestal and serves light, as many replicas in the world.

Réplique d'Highland
Highland (Michigan)
In the town of Highland, Michigan, is a well-known local grocery store. Vintage style, it borders a small lake in which the visitor can see a small square pontoon center of which stands the statue of Liberty, a replica of approximately 2.50m tall with the characteristic of having a very wide rail torch . The rest is difficult to judge, but it seems to hold the tablet too far forward. When the broken chain of slavery, they were once again ignored.

Replica of Frankenmuth
Frankenmuth (Michigan)
This replica is located in Michigan, in the city of Frankenmuth. It is part of a series of statues representing various people. This is the "Bronner's Christmas Wonderland", a Christmas goods store founded in 1945. It is right next to the entrance. This statue is probably hard plastic. Originally painted in dark red, she was repainted in the traditional green but the paint was peeling in places. The mold which has served to make this replica is not that bad, but it still has some differences: for example, the tablet is held too far forward, and the rays, whatever of different lengths are too upright to the top.

Replica of Dearborn
Dearborn (Michigan)
C'est dans la ville de Dearborn, dans le Michigan, que l'on peut trouver cette réplique de la statue. Elle se trouve à l'entrée d'une discothèque, le "Venue nightclub", sur Michigan avenue. Elle est face au parking et sert de luminaire à l'entrée. J'ignore en quelle matière elle est faite, elle ressemble à de la pierre mais il serait étonnant que ça en soit. A noter le socle en brique de la même matière que le mur derrière.

Replica of Cap Girardeau
Cap Girardeau (Michigan)
Pretty small statue of an intense green in front of an American memorial. The face is youthful as can the statues of the boy scouts, made and spread across the entire United States in 1950.

Replica of Mexico

Replica of Long Prairie
Long Prairie (Montana)
This copy of the Statue of Liberty is in Minnesota, in the city of Long Prairie. She's in the memorial park for war veterans. This park contains several monuments, including a wall five stories recounting the episode War Iwo Jima, wall topped with a metal sculpture representing the flag flying at Mount Surabachi. There is also a memorial to the veterans of Vietnam, Korea, another for women who died during the war, a national cemetery. The statue itself is quite simple, quite small relative to the other copies that exist in the world, but it is correctly reproduced. On the base, there is a curious mention: which means "Freedom has never been free," "Freedom HAS never been free.".

Replica of Lamar
Lamar (Missouri)
She looks suspiciously like a replica copy erected by scouts in 1950 ... but a priori it is not one. Yet it has the same youthful face, the same way of holding the tablet, etc. This is probably a result statue of the same mold. It is made of copper and was placed atop a pedestal and narrow pyramidal top, placed himself on a 5-pointed star, awkward reminder of Fort Wood on which is built the real statue. She's on the lawn of the courthouse in the city of Lamar, Barton County, Missouri. Its exact address is 11th St and the Gulf, courthouses, Lamar. It was erected by schoolchildren of the city as recalled by the plate on the concrete base: "With Faith in and Loyalty to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of the SCHOOL CHILDREN BARTON COUNTY Has Caused to be Erected this Replica of STATUE OF LIBERTY Cymbolizing the [sic] Freedom and Justice for all. " Note the misspelling, pretty amazing ...

Replica of St Joseph
St Joseph (Missouri)
This statue, also after the campaign scouts of 1950, in the city of St. Joseph, Missouri. It was inaugurated in 1950. It is like other covered with copper plates which oxidize slowly. It is perched on a modest concrete pedestal, base plus a plaque commemorating its origin.

Replica of Polson
Polson (Montana)
It's in Montana found the statue of Liberty, in the city of Polson. The latter houses a museum, at the southern edge of the city, which is none other than the private collection of an inhabitant. He called it "Miracle of America Museum". Its collections are eclectic, one finds there absolutely everything from Chinese art, Boy Scout badges, helicopter models, luminous insignia, petrol pumps, etc. It also has a Statue of Liberty, but as it is too large it has placed outside, at the entrance of the museum. This explains why just go down the street to see it.

Replica of Mount Airy
Mount Airy (North Carolina)
Even a correct replica of the Statue of Liberty, Mount Airy this time in North Carolina. Mount Airy is a small town whose park contains this statue. A bright globe serves public lighting at night.

Replica of Haddon Heights
Haddon Heights (New Jersey)
In New Jersey, in Haddon Heights, the local bakery has a highly decorated parking, it is adorned with a few statues, all golden. One that interests us is, like the other, perched on a small pedestal which is content to put forward its size.

Replica of Somerdale
Somerdale (New Jersey)
"God bless America" is the message that wants to pass this replica of the Statue of Liberty located in Somerdale, New Jersey. This is adjacent to the US state of New York, the proximity is great. It serves as an advertising sign in a business office. It is not very good likeness when one is interested more closely, she folds her baggy gown, she holds her tablet enough vertically, and her toga drops too low on the pedestal. This is simple, pyramid, probably in concrete. It is located along the historic route 30, clearly visible to all.

Réplique d'Albuquerque
Albuquerque (New Mexico)
Probably one of the worst copies of the Statue of Liberty is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. But we forgive him, he is only an ordinary promotional challenge for the passer. I must say it is inflatable, which does not help to provide a perfect replica. And anyway, this is a temporary copy, this kind of object is not destined to last in time. I guess when you read this, it no longer exists.

Replica of Truth or Consequences
Truth or Consequences (New Mexico)
This statue of New Mexico is the original city where it was implanted, a city which is called by the acronym TORC and meaning "Truth or Consequences" ... which is the name of the city. The statue is in the Veterans Memorial Park, a park rather traditional in American cities. A TORC, the park adjoins a western building, the "Veteran's Center". The statue itself is not really worthy of interest, it is done well, yes, but it is pale green polyester dyed in the mass, which reduces the possibility of details, such as folds the toga. It takes a huge lamp, which is curious for a memorial, usually found on decorations parks or downtown. The pedestal is huge, massive, and very red (too) original. Below, there is a plaque on which is written: Independence Day 1776 Remembrance of 9/11. Exact location at Veteran's Park, 996 Broadway Street, TORC, New Mexico

Replica of Las Vegas
Las Vegas (Nevada)
The capital of the game trying to reproduce the great cities of the world, it is not surprising that we find here. It is located in front of the New York Hotel, New York, which has an amusement park and scenery of New York buildings. It is a statue of the original.

Replica of Las Vegas
Las Vegas (Nevada)
Las Vegas is an extravagant city, there are the New York hotel features the famous line on its front. Less known and most ephemeral, it is at the center of one of its shops. Its variegated color comes from the fact that it is made entirely of candy ... (jelly beans).

Replica of Las Vegas
Las Vegas (Nevada)
Las Vegas, USA, is an extravagant city. Visitors can find anything at any time of day or night. One of the many casinos in the city plays on the theme of American history, and as such he does not hesitate to mix genres: The proof that strange Statue of Liberty is taking as Marilyn Monroe in one of these familiar scenes. One can note the quality of reproduction, even if it has nothing to do with the original statue.

Replica of Liverpool
Liverpool (New-York)
In the State of New York is the town of Liverpool, which of course has nothing to do with the UK. Besides it is only a simple village. It has a Statue of Liberty, to the angle between the Electronics Parkway and the "Old Liverpool Road." It is close to the parking lot of a fairly popular pizzeria. This statue seems to be in good condition, it holds an unavoidable fixture (not too ugly one). The rays extending from its crown are a bit too upright, but that's about all you can see it. Its pedestal is quite simple, wooden.

Réplique d'Husdon
Husdon (New-York)
This is a statue which very little is known. It is Husdon along Route 66, in the state of New York. It seems to be private property. Its green color is artificial, high blue portion appear, probably wear marks. She holds the traditional light bulb instead of the traditional torch, and it is on a rather original pedestal, very simple, made of wooden planks.

Replica of Garden City
Garden City (New-York)
This reproduction of the Statue of Liberty is in plaster, it is a beautiful white uniform. This is an advertising sign for the City Café on Stewart Avenue, in the city of Garden City, NY. It is rather successful, but the plaster reaches by making the details of the folds of the gown, for example. And then, as usual, there are no broken chains of slavery, at her feet.

Replica of Times Square
Times Square (New-York)
This reproduction of the Statue of Liberty was erected in 1944 in Times Square, probably the busiest area of New York, and there remained only a few months. The aim was to promote the "good war", debt issued by the State to support the military effort required during the Second World War. The statue was intended to push New Yorkers to buy such bonds. This statue even when measured about 15m in height!

Replica of New-Liberty
New-Liberty (New-York)
This is a small American town in the countryside. In front of a shed throne this small statue, he missed quite be said.

Réplique du musée
New-Liberty (New-York)
This statue is a replica of the original. It is located in the museum, that is in the base of the statue, a little like a setting abyss. It is of great quality in the details, only its color and size makes the difference. It is presented on a small table.

Replica of New-York
New-York (New-York)
It speaks well of replicas and not the original. New York has multiple copies, the first mentioned here is in the lobby of a building. It is new and very nicely done.

Replica of New-York
New-York (New-York)
The Brooklyn Museum has a wing with replicas of the statues outside. It is of course that it interests us, which initially comes from the "Liberty Storage Warehouse Building" at the corner of 64th and Broadway. When the building was renovated statue was donated to the museum, who installed the car park.

Replica of New-York
New-York (New-York)
New York also has two well-known replicas, they are on the roof of the building and Buffalo are back to back. All replicas of New York, this is probably the oldest.

Replica of Wirt
Wirt (New-York)
Despite appearances this statue was carved with a chainsaw, and then painted. The owner, who made himself visible, has other elements carved so it's probably a hobby, or just an artist. It is open country, "East Hill", in the city of Wirt (NY).

Replica of Leavittsburg
Leavittsburg (Ohio)
This statue has a commercial vocation, and that's a shame because in many ways, it is a true work of art. Probably one of the most successful in the genre. It lies along the road at the Liberty Tax Service. We are here on a very thin replica, the franc draped at the precise face, sharp detail. Each element of the statue has been carefully reproduced, including the torch which is usually ignored, and the broken chains of slavery, at her feet. This reproduction is also one of the few to have a perfectly faithful stand to that of Miss Liberty in New York. The details are very precise, everything has been reproduced as a maquetiste would. This is a very nice surprise awaits visitors in the city of Leavittsburg (Ohio), along the main track.

Replica of Unusual Junction
Unusual Junction (Ohio)
Unusual Junction is located low density housing instead of in Coshocton County, Ohio. This replica of the Statue of Liberty is located along US Route 36 (east of Hwy 93), in front of the parking lot of Unusual Junction. It is quite resemblance with a pale green color. The torch she holds simpler. Its pedestal is a wooden box, which makes it quite original.

Replica of Cleveland
Cleveland (Oklahoma)
This statue is probably one of the furthest from the original. In fact this is not quite a replica, but the similarities are significant enough to be mentioned here. It is perched on a pedestal to its size, solid enough on which there is the following inscription:
This text tells us that it is a memorial of the Second World War. This statue stands in Kirtland Park in Lake Erie. It is along I-90.
It is pretty sad state, she could use a renovation. Her right hand while missing her right arm had to be attached.

Replica of Chickasha
Chickasha (Oklahoma)
This small replica of the statue looks like those that have been implemented everywhere in the US during the campaign scouts in 1950, but is smaller, it measures only 5 feet tall. It is located in Oklahoma, County Grady Chickasha. Exactly, it is in Shannon Springs Park, at the Veterans Memorial in the city.

Replica of Purcell
Purcell (Oklahoma)
This statue is intended to decorate the front of the Purcell Mall, downtown. It lies on the pavement outside a busy storefront that was once a bank. It has the characteristic to hold at arm a huge bulb and especially to have a golden color, instead of the traditional green. The exact address is 201 West Main Street.

Replica of Shawnee
Shawnee (Oklahoma)
This statue is in Oklahoma, in the "Woodland Veterans Park" in the city of Shawnee. This park is located north of downtown. The statue is bronze, when this photo was taken she was already oxidize. It measures approximately 1.50m without arm raised and throne on a rectangular pedestal pretty red brick, but unexpected for such a monument. The statue itself, we can say that it is quite well done, with folds of specific toga.

Replica of Yukon
Yukon (Oklahoma)
Yukon is here that the visitor can find this replica pristine white of the statue of Liberty. It is in front of a home along Highway 66 on the north side, east of I-40 entrance from Highway 81. This copy is approximately 7 feet tall, around it there has some other statues, all in the vegetation.

Replica of Bend
Bend (Oregon)
This copy of the Statue of Liberty has an advertising purpose, it serves as teaching at Mill House Bed and Breakfast which she adorns the entrance. It measures 6 feet tall and is perched on a pedestal of 3 feet. This pedestal is very successful, far more than the copy itself whose manufacture is correct, but that is hardly consistent with the original statue. This takes its tablet too horizontal and its crown too small roayons, giving it the air air thorns on her head. Moreover her outstretched arm is especially long.

Replica of Milwaukie
Milwaukie (Oregon)
Copy of the statue. It's rare enough to report. It is located right on McLoughlin Boulevard, in a parking lot near a small shopping center on the angle between McLoghlin Roethe Road and Boulevard. It is very high, so that her arm above the surrounding houses

Replica of Petersen Rock Gardens
Petersen Rock Gardens (Oregon)
The Petersen gardens are gardens created from scratch by Rodolph Petersen, a Danish architect. It worked in 1935. On one of these platforms has been carving a replica of the Statue of Liberty from a rock. Of course, this statue represents more a technical challenge that accuracy in the reproduction of an original work. Rodolph Petersen was born in Denmark on July 21, 1883. He came to Oregon in 1906 where he built a house, launched in agriculture, and gradually acquired land until reaching 300 hectares. In 1935, he began to devote time to her garden, he developed exponentially. Although passed in 1952 the garden still belongs to the family that maintains and it added a small museum.

Réplique d'Elysburg
Elysburg (Pennsylvania)
This is in Elysburg has built an amusement park, "Knoebels Amusement Resort". Inside, on the west side is the copy of the statue that has other vocations than offering visitors original photo. It measures approximately 2.50m tall and its base is probably one of those closest to the base Morris Hunt, true. It must be said that it is rare that replicas of the Statue of Liberty is a consistent stand, most of the time it is simple.

Replica of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)
This replica has a commercial vocation, it is a small statue that was placed on the terrace of a popular restaurant north of Pittsburgh. It was formally set up as a memorial to 11 September. Given that distinguishes little, it is difficult to get an idea of the accuracy of the reproduction. It seems to still have the arm too bent, too straight, too.

Replica of Susquehanna
Susquehanna (Pennsylvania)
If you take the 322 Harrisburg route to State College, you will pass near the Susquehanna River in a section called Dauphin Narrows. There, in the river stands a replica white, brilliant, the Statue of Liberty, proudly standing on a stack of old stone bridge. Do not take it: Though "Dolphin Lady Liberty" appears tiny, it's still 25 feet high and is very robust. This is the second replica of the Statue of Liberty standing in the troubled waters of a river. The author is George Stilp, a well known figure in Pennsylvania for her political activism. The original statue he built in 1980, measured 18 feet and was made from ... Venetian blinds! A few years later, the statue had a serious need of repair due to successive storms. Stilp and her group of volunteers got down to reconstruction, this time using more robust materials. Incidentally, they have expanded to its current size of 25 feet. But they did not change its location, always original.

Replica of Sioux City
Sioux City (South Dakota)
Very nice statue in a park. She has a very frank drape.

Replica of Kingsport
Kingsport (Tennessee)
This copy of the Statue of Liberty is advertising sign at a firm specializing in taxes. This office is located in 2320 East Center Street and the statue is on the lawn, just ahead. It is perched on a high pedestal in the shape of a truncated pyramid. There is nothing special to say about the actual statue, it is what it should be, a simple promotional large. A smaller is behind the windows in the offices of the firm.

Replica of Johnson City
Johnson City (Tennessee)
The City of Johnson City, Tennessee, is home to the offices of the company Traco. The company was chosen by the financiers of the renovation campaign of the Statue of Liberty in 1986 to restore the quality of the field of vision, ie to provide the 25 windows in the crown. As such this copy, probably made in any polymer, has been installed on the parking lot. A plaque recalls this episode of corporate life, "TRACO Restores Lady Liberty's Crown July 1986 As pard of the $ 30 million torch-to-toe restoration project, TRACO Manufactured and installed 25 custom windows in Lady Liberty's crown." This which means "TRACO has restored the crown of Lady Liberty in July 1986 within the project of 30 million dollars for its restoration of the feet to the crown. TRACO has manufactured and supplied the 25 windows in the crown of Lady Liberty."

Replica of Memphis
Memphis (Tennessee)
It was at Memphis that the visitor can cross this very imposing statue of Liberty holding a cross instead of the usual torch. Nothing to it, we guess that the symbol of Liberty was hijacked for religious purposes, and that's what happened. It was built as an emblem of the church "World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church", funded by 12,000 members who have paid for $ 250,000 donation for its construction. It was erected July 4, 2006, the day of the anniversary of American independence and contains other religious symbols as the cross she holds in her hand. The crown is marked with the word "Jehovah" and the tablet is written "ten commandment". It is located in the park in front the church in 6655, Winchester Road, Memphis (Tennessee). It was built on a metal frame fiberglass, filled with expanding foam.

Replica of Dallas
Dallas (Texas)
In Dallas, the statue is located in Fair Park. There is nothing special to say about it, except that it is a rather surprising brown, probably due to her material that I have not identified. She landed on a relatively small base. Unfortunately for her, this photo was taken on a day when the statue was fouled.

Replica of North Richland Hills
North Richland Hills (Texas)
Beautiful statue as this, it serves fixture on the lawn of the Liberty Bank of Norh Richland Hills, a city in Texas. The bank is located at the intersection of Highway 26 and Vance. Laid on the ground on a concrete slab, which is terribly rare, it is approximately 3m from the ground at the end of the luminaire. Its proportions are quite correct, it just lacks accuracy in the reproduction of the folds of the gown. It takes the tablet a bit low too.

Replica of Diboll
Diboll (Texas)
There are several replicas of the statue Texas. One of them is to Diboll, at the following address: Highway 59, near the TLL Temple Library. This is an almost consistent replica of New York, except for the torch of course, replaced here by a huge illuminated globe. As usual, this replica has not broken chains of freedom at her feet. Its size is that of a man, approximately. The surrounding park has a war memorial

Replica of Forney
Forney (Texas)
This Texan replica of the Statue of Liberty is in Forney, along a road between Broad Street (FM 688) and US 80, approaching the downtown Forney, Texas. It is a fairly simple pedestal, pyramid, concrete covered with stone. The statue itself is a green uniform and fairly well approximates the original statue.

Réplique d'Huntington
A Huntington, Texas, the visitor can see the Statue of Liberty dedicated to the citizens of the city in memory of Americans died in the attacks of 11 September 2002. It is in the park September 11, one of the parks of the city.
This statue is interesting because it is copper, copper is oxidized, but as it is at ground level, without pedestal, visitors can touch, which remove oxidation. By reflex visitors do affect superficially, the recessed regions thus remained oxidized and it is why today it is two-tone.

Replica of River Oaks
River Oaks (Texas)
The Statue of Liberty is on public space in front of a motel on River Oaks Boulevard, in the City of River Oaks (Texas). It is black in color, which is rare, but is not very faithful to the original: It has little chest (which is also rare), the crown of rays are badly drawn, and especially its face is slightly recognizable. By cons, its base is entirely consistent with the statue, well decorated without being too busy.

Replica of Tulia
Tulia (Texas)
The replica of Tulia, Texas, is characterized by a dry stone foundation and piled lumimeux globe excessive, two curiosities that make the originality. Otherwise the rest is fairly standard, with unfortunately no broken chains of slavery and an incorrect tablet port. Besides this statue shows the left arm back with the receding shoulder, it is rare enough to report it. It is located in front of the Liberty Motel, a motel built in the 30's very well preserved, she illuminates the parking lot at night. Its exact address is 912 North Highway 87 in Tulia, TX

Réplique d'American Fork
American Fork (Utah)
Statue located in height, before bowling. Sacrilege, instead of lifting the traditional torch she holds a bowling pin in hand! It is located in East State Street, up to the 140th Street South in the city of American Fork (Utah).

Réplique d'Everett
Everett (Washington)
This statue from 16 to 20 feet high is intended to be the emblem of a supermarket in Everett, Washington. It is on a pretty high pedestal in pink concrete. It is illuminated at night. There is nothing special to say about it, except that the mold was used to make the statue would have benefited from a little more work ...

Replica of Carrolls
Carrolls (Washington)
That curious statue of the city of Carrolls in Washington State. It is located along the "Old Pacific Highway" (Pacific Highway), it is visible at the I-5. Carrolls is located along the "Interstate 5" (the highway that runs through several states). It is quite surprising to meet the eyes of Miss Liberty as far from New York, has an unexpected time, in full highway driving. Therefore it is difficult to have good quality pictures. To be more in height, this statue, nearly 4m high, is about a disproportionate pedestal ordinary cuboid attacked by weather and pollution.

Réplique d'Hoquiam
Hoquiam (Washington)
In Washington State is the city of Hoquiam, who owns Simpson Street (Simpson street). This is where you will find a home with the statue in the garden. Originally the statue was in a shopping center and served advertising sign, but the sign itself has been removed, so that you do not know today what it actually served. This statue has the distinction of having the crown and golden hair.

Replica of Point Roberts
Point Roberts (Washington)
There are some statues of Liberty in the State of Washington, USA. It is quite simple, it is in Point Roberts, a city along the Gulf Road. It is located in downtown, in an official building park. It is perched on a vaguely decorated concrete pedestal. The statue itself appears to be fiberglass, a material that does not allow great details. This is the case of the folds of the gown, which remains here pretty simple, slightly marked. Her face is a little small and the crown lacks the traditional windows that there is on the original statue. Similarly these rays are too far apart. And of course, it takes a lamp instead of the torch, but now impossible to be difficult: three quarters statues serve as public lighting!

Replica of Seattle
Seattle (Washington)
Statue facing the bay of the city. Again it is particularly successful, but can we not expect less from Americans people? This statue is on the beachfront, in a place especially passing.

Replica of Matewan
Matewan (Virgine de l'Ouest)
This is a small gray-black replica entirely consistent, if not the torch, replaced by a large bulb. Note that the base is very successful, both in its appearance than proportionality. Matewan is a small town along a National and a river whose current is controlled by a huge dam. The statue is located on Main Street. The plate is put above reads "Liberty Tax Service"

Replica of Wheatland
Wheatland (Virgine de l'Ouest)
In the Wyoming is a replica of the Statue of Liberty in the town of Wheatland. It commemorates the veterans in the 2nd World War Platte County. It is also in front of the "Platte County Court house", the equivalent of our hotels department. This statue was set up in 1943 and was restored in 1966. It overcomes a heavy cubic pedestal on the sides of which are engraved the names of deceased County during the war. The list is quite long, unfortunately.

Replica of Green Bay
Green Bay (Wisconsin)
Once purely advertising statue. It measures 6 feet tall and is located at the corner of Walnut Street and Ashland Avenue, in front of the restaurant "Blackstone Family", in Green Bay, Wisconsin. It is quite unsuccessful it must be said, the mold that was used for the manufactured was probably not very worked. It is based on a cement block making base office, painted in American colors: White, Red and Blue.

Replica of Neenah
Neenah (Wisconsin)
Wisconsin is the city of Neenah. At the center of this city the visitor can find a replica of the Statue of Liberty 14 feet 6 inches tall, or 10% of the stack size of the original. It is made of bronze and was cast by the California "Great American Bronze Works". This is a gift to the community of man John Bergstrom case. It is based on a very pretty massive stone plinth.
See also: