Strangely, there are not many Statues of Liberty in the UK. Some are well known, others much less, but overall there is still much less than in France.

Replica of Lakenheath
A small replica was used as a memorial to the "Liberty Memorial Wing." This memorial was made to celebrate the double anniversary (40 years) of the Royal Air Force Lakenheath and 18th "Fight Tactical Wing" on 25 November 1981. It was hosted by the club of wives of RAF officers Lakenheath to the American air base. The statue comes from an original model of Bartholdi.

Replica of Leicester
There is also another replica in Leicester, on a roundabout. It was initially in front of a shoe store whose activity has ceased and whose building was destroyed in 2002. After 6 years spent without being used, it has found a second life on this high pedestal in the center traffic circle item. It is rather large, (5 meters 10 or 17 feet)
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