Slovakia is a small country in which we do not expect to find Statues of Liberty. And yet there is at least one. Of course it is quite possible that there are others, this short list can not be exhaustive.

Replica of Bratislava
This replica of the Statue of Liberty is the work of Vladimir Eperjesi, an artist specializing in metal work for Ruskova. He designed a series of replicas of various emblematic monuments of the world, including the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of Pisa, and of course the Statue of Liberty. These works are exhibited at Lake Kuchajda, but he is hopeful that the case, a little later, in Bratislava, the capital of the country. But the request he made for the installation of these works in Trebisov park, downtown, has not received a favorable response. This statue is not consistent, there is no much problem she has a little overweight compatible with the reality of the New York statue. Probably copper, it was manufactured in several sections welded to each other vertically, which is why the traces of horizontal welds. The statue is now presented on a massive pedestal quite successful.

Replica of Nový Ruskov
Nový Ruskov
This statue is the work of a blacksmith, Vladimír Eperjesi. She was placed in front of her forge, 3kms from the center of the city of Trebisov, in the village of Nový Ruskov, along the main road. It is visible to everyone, just pass along the road.
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