Copies and replicas of the statue of Liberty in Pakistan


Copies of the statue of Liberty in Pakistan

A priori, unlikely to find replicas of the Statue of Liberty in Pakistan. And yet ...

Replica of Bahria

Replica of Bahria


If there is a country where one does not expect necessarily to the presence of a copy of the Statue of Liberty, it is Pakistan. Yet two replicas are visible on site. Their exact location is hard to say, we do dispons little information about them. It seems whether promotional, touting the merits of the next housing estate in cities and Bahria Islamabad, where they speak of "Phase 8" for this project.

Réplique of Islamabad

Réplique of Islamabad


See above Replica of the Bahria, Pakistan.

See also:

Copies of the statue of Liberty in the world


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Websites of the same author: The Pyrénées-Orientales, Marguerite Duras, Wonders of the world, Roman Emperors.