Norway is not free of copies of the Statue of Liberty, it is a bit constant in all the Scandinavian countries which, without being the ones where one finds the most, are still provided enough on this subject. .

Replica of Karmoy
In Norway the most interesting statue is located on the island of Karmoy at Visnes, a mining town where copper was extracted used for the construction of the original statue. This is to commemorate the provision of basic equipment that can be built this replica. Karmoy, is in the southwest of Norway. There is a museum of copper. The reproduction of the image that we see is copper, of course.

Replica of Bleik
The Statue of Liberty is consistent, apart from its size of course. It is before a Norwegian pub and has no other purpose than advertising.

Replica of Algard
History has bequeathed a copy of the Statue of Liberty in Ålgård, Norway. This is due to the encounter between an ambassador to the United Nations Norwegian, native to Ålgård, and US Senator Robert Bennett. The two men, who had met atop the World Trade Center, concluded business. In appreciation and more personal, Senator offered the nephew of the ambassador a copy of the statue he had installed in Ålgård. It was mounted on a rather sad concrete block on the roadside. Damaged by time and weather, it had to be destroyed. It has not been replaced, but the concrete block still exists there.
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