Political friend of the United States, Israel is even closer to the statue symbolizing Freedom that this recent country is at war since its creation. No wonder there are replicas of this statue on its territory from time to time.

Réplique of Arraba
It is difficult to find statues of Liberty in the Middle East, and yet it exists in Israel, in the village of Araba, where stands this stylized structure representing the famous statue. It is right next to the "Mother of Freedom", a restaurant that is not unrelated to the presence of such a statue. It is in the town of Arraba.

Replica of Jerusalem
A Jerusalem is the place of New York, probably a small square or a district of the city. A stylized replica of the Statue of Liberty was implanted there. It is made of metal rods welded together, forming a set resembling little but recalling the posture of the New York statue. Note the inscription, written in three languages.
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