When a Frenchman is asked if there are Copies of the Statue of Liberty in France, he will answer most of the time that there is one at the Pont de Grenelle on Ile aux Cygnes in Paris. And even she's turned to her big sister in New York. some will talk about copies of Bordeaux, Lyon, or even the original model at the Museum of Arts and Crafts, but few have a precise idea of the number of these copies in France. This site has found nearly forty, in all the French regions, even overseas. Some are well known, others are simple private replicas, but they have in common to be placed in public view (failing, sometimes, to be on the public domain) and to have a certain size.
This site lists the main French replicas, not forgetting that the original statue, that of New York, is also French ...

Replica of Barentin
(Seine-Maritime) : The statue is not entirely consistent, it is more skinny than the original. It sits atop a small dirt embankment in the center of a roundabout. It measures no less than 13m50 for a venerable weight of 3.5 tons. It is made of resin. It is this statue that was used in the film "The Brain" by Gérard Oury (1969). At the end of filming she spent some time at customs, because of non payment of customs clearance, and had to be destroyed. The intervention of Gérard Oury and Paul Belmondo, son of John Paul, allowed its recovery. The mayor of Barentin being bias, the statue was installed in the center of the roundabout of the commercial area of the city.

Replica of Basse-Terre
(Guadeloupe) : This copy of the American statue does not comply, it is even quite far from the original statue. It is too wide, too short, too, it looks like it was cut at its base. The folds of her toga do not fall properly and she holds her arms a little too forward. But it was her face that is most missed, we must also say that it is what there is more difficult to reproduce. But there, the resemblance is really unflattering. Additionally the rays of her crown are too thick, too wide. This statue has been challenged recently, she was moved from the Town Hall Square at the port in St Claude, 6Kms further. Especially the way it was done is problematic. Still, it is always visible, in Basse-Terre.

Replica of Blérancourt
(Aisne) : The Blérancourt museum has a replica of the Statue of Liberty. It was probably built by Auguste Bartholdi himself around 1885 ie one year before the official opening of the real statue. It is terracotta.
The pedestal is engraved with the words:
"Remember to Mr Count Saune that transported to America in the name of France the colossal Statue of Liberty. 1885"

Replica of Bordeaux
(Gironde) : Located place Picard, this statue was donated by Bartholdi himself in 1888. It was inaugurated on April 28, 1888. But as it was bronze, it was toppled by the Germans in 1943, just as interested as the metal the removal of this symbol of freedom. In 2000 a smaller copy was installed in her place, copy itself replaced by another, resin, recently. You should know that the gift to the city of Bartholdi was done following the abandonment of the project to install a fountain in the hemicycle of staggered rows. Although it won first prize for the project cost exceeded the budget allocated and the work was never realized. In compensation Bartholdi offered the city a replica of the statue, inaugurated two years ago in New York.
Anecdotally, this statue served as support for some time in a jokester artist who, at night, dressed so interpeler passersby. Thus was she covered with a holding housewife, a burqa, dressed in Guantanamo prisoner, a victim of traffic accidents, etc.

Replica of Cambrin
(Pas-de-Calais) : This statue is 2 meters 90 550 kg was erected in 1925 in memory of the 26 children of dead country for France.

Replica of Cessenon
(Hérault) : This statue is a resin molding produced by the Museum of Colmar. It served as a figurehead cruise ship "Maxim's sea" during transportation of European and American personalities between the two countries on the occasion of the centenary of the inauguration of the Statue of Liberty (1986) Once cruises completed the statue was stored in a hangar Nice and the company tried to sell it without success. The commander of the ship then proposed to recover it, which was done, and brought it back home at his own expense, in the hamlet of Lugné. He yielded few square meters of land and the city offered a pedestal, pillar of old bridge over the Orb. Since the statue stands at the entrance of the hamlet. Note that it is very slightly damaged, it lacks the shelves.

Replica of Châteauneuf-la-Forêt
(Haute-Vienne) : Another statue of liberty, which serves war memorial. Note the very large lamp she holds, which distorts a little.

Replica of Cléguerec
(Morbihan) : The statue was cast in 1875 by the Avoiron molding, ie 11 years before the opening of the original statue New Yorker. Opened September 24, 1882 by the Prefect of Morbihan, this monument was erected in memory of Joseph Pobéguin sergeant, a member of the Flatters mission to open new channels through the Sahara.

Replica of Colmar
(Haut-Rhin) : The birthplace of Bartholdi wanted to have its own course replica. It is located at the northern entrance of the city. This is a true copy, scale close of course. It is made of a composite material dyed in the mass, to give it the appearance oxidized copper. It measures 12 meters high, is one of the largest in France. It was installed in 2004 to mark the centenary of the death of Auguste Bartholdi in 1904.

Replica de Dijon
(Côte d'or) : The city of Dijon also has a statue of Liberty. It is 1m35 tall, and is bronze in color. It was manufactured by Auguste Bartholdi himself. She was the trophy of a cycling event of ... 1912! Retrieved in the clubhouse, the statue was later stored in these premises, then found by the janitor in 1944, after the departure of the Germans. The concierge put it on a piece of the city for a day. Some pictures were taken, then the statue reinstated the attic. These photos recently found her trace, and she was found again in the same place, many years after being stored there.

Replica of Gourin
(Morbihan) : This statue of immaculate whiteness is a testament to the exodus of Gourinois to the United States. Indeed, a very large part of the population of the city migrated to their new country of adoption, and the city was a place of passage for voluntary departure. On behalf of 6-7000 people who left the territory from Gourin. This replica was offered to "Transamerica Britain" in 1990 by Air France, to thank the many emigrants who traveled overseas with the Air France office in Roudouallec installed until 1985. This statue is more a symbol immigration that freedom.

Replica of Jaujac
(Ardèche) : This statue is also all white. This is a private property, it is in the garden of an individual at the entrance of Jaujac, when arriving from Aubenas (in the Ardeche). It is clearly visible from the small road. It is rather successful, with perhaps a face a little too juvenile compared to the real statue, but the folds of the toga are well made, and the torch well made also. Among the reproaches, there is of course the flame of the torch, which here is probably a bulb, and the port of the tablet, perhaps a little too vertical. But overall, this statue is rather successful.

Replica of Lunel
(Hérault) : The city has a stone statue of freedom at the center of a square. She was put in place during the celebration of the centenary of the French Revolution in 1889. Issue of the same workshops as the original statue, and Gautier Gaget she weighed 500kg for high 2m5. Unfortunately in 1943 the Germans made her melt, as well as to recover the bronze to remove this symbol of freedom. In 1989 we replaced it with another statue on the occasion ... the bicentenary of the French Revolution! The inauguration took place on 25 February.

Replica of Montagnat
(Ain) : This is a statue of 4 to 5 meters high that serves as an emblem for the reception hall "Freedom", hence the use of the statue as a symbol. So we are in the private domain, and it is estimated that there are a large number of statues of private freedom in France. This one is one of the few to feature in this list.

Replica of Narbonne
(Aude) : This is a statue of cast iron, painted blue. It is located at the entrance of a deposit Gruissan road materials. Initially she was at the entrance to the hotel Liberty, currently "Hôtel du Port", Gruissan, Shore Tramontana. The hotel was sold and the statue was recovered before being installed there.

Replica of Nice
(Alpes-Maritime) : Probably one of the more recent, it was put in place quay US in 2014. The statue, small, is too curved compared to the original and its rays are a bit thin.

Replica at Ourville-en-Caux
(Seine-Maritime) : This statue has a few errors that do not denature. She holds the tablet vertically, she has a crown of long, close rays, and especially she holds a torch-shaped openwork bowl. And of course, it is blue. It is located on a roundabout in the city, which is, itself, a sixty kilometers from Le Havre, between Fauville and Cany Barville.

Replica of Paris
(Seine) : This statue is simply a bronze replica of the one that served as a model for the realization of the New Yorker statue. It measures 11.5m and weighs 14 tons and was installed and inaugurated in 1885 on the site of the United States. It was donated to the town in Paris by the American community in recognition of guarantee for delivery of the statue in New York ... which had not yet been officially opened. However the location was a problem because instead of the United States was too narrow for such a monument. It was then moved to the Isle of Swans, near the Pont de Grenelle, where important work of big-works were necessary. Its orientation has also posed the problem: It was facing the town, with their backs to that of New York. Its orientation was then changed in 1937. For the record, you should know that the day of the inauguration, the subscription was not completed, and the work not done. So the statue that day, was still the old, the true model of Bartholdi!

Replica at the Orsay Museum
(Seine) : Situated today at the Orsay Museum, the statue is one of the first that were melted in the same mold as the one used in the original model. She has the same size, she makes a little less than three meters high, and was commissioned by Bartholdi himself in 1889, and then exposed in 1900 during the World Exhibition in Paris. Property of the artist, she was given in 1906 by her widow at the Luxembourg Museum, who installed a long time in the gardens. Recently, being damaged, she was transported to the Museum of the Quai d'Orsay and was replaced by another identical statue, later, in the gardens.

Replica at the Luxemburg garden
(Seine) : In the Luxembourg Gardens visitors can cross this beautiful statue of Miss Liberty, which is of great fidelity to the original. Normal, it is a replacement copy of the statue sold at the Luxembourg Museum by the widow of Auguste Bartholdi in 1906. This, in danger of being damaged, recently moved to the Musée d'Orsay be protected from the weather. This replica is of the highest quality.

Réplique of 'Arts et Métiers'
(Seine) : The Statue of Liberty is the only one not to be a replica of the Statue of Liberty: THIS IS THE STATUE OF LIBERTY HERSELF. Indeed, Auguste Bartholdi, the sculptor, was first realized this statue one, which is called the original statue, and presented throughout the project. When he was able to start work, he used it to model an enlarged four times larger, and it is this model that was extended four more times to get to the New Yorker statue. So all of this statue by one, very well exposed in the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Paris, which can be estimated to be the original model.

Réplique of 'Arts et Métiers'
(Seine) : There is also a replica at the entrance of the Museum of Art and Crafts, to mark the entrance. This is an exact replica of the statue located inside the Museum of Arts and Crafts, which is simply the original Statue of Liberty, the model used in the first ever expansion.

Replica of the American Dream
(Seine) : There is another statue of Liberty in Paris, for commercial use: She's on the front of the American Dream, an American restaurant in the capital.

Replica of Paris
(Seine) : Probably the most original replica of the Statue of Liberty in Paris, the Centauri is also the smallest. Indeed, it is the sculptor Caesar who made it, it represents a centaur whose face is that of the artist. Aside from his style so recognizable, the statue has the characteristic to shelter on her chest a tiny replica of the Statue of Liberty. It is a curiosity, but not unique in the world: A fountain sculpture uses the same process in Sweden, Stocklholm. This statue is visible in Paris Michel Debré square.

Replica of Paris
(Seine) : Another replica of the Statue of Liberty in Paris, but not where we expect it: It is located on the barge "Nina", moored along the banks of the Seine, near the tour Eiffel. This statue should measure approximately 3 meters high, it is on the front, like a figurehead.

Réplica of Perpignan
(Pyrénées-Orientales) : This statue of a not very happy blue is at the entrance of a dealer of used vehicles, in front of the famous company Cémoi, in Perpignan. Made of polymer materials, it seems quite fragile. It is not particularly successful, it holds a torch completely missed compared to the delicacy of the original, and the folds of the toga are really coarse.

Replica of Plaintel
(Côtes d'Armor) : A strange statue that was conducted with a chainsaw! It is of course wood. The artist Gerard Ferruel, who carved in 1996 to mark the 10th anniversary of the feast of lumberjacks.

Replica of Ploeren
(Morbihan) : The Statue of Liberty is located on the expressway Nantes-Brest, in the heart of Mané-Coëtdigo business park. It belongs to a manufacturer company of land craft, which the company bought from the Nacra, dinghies importer in France. It still measures 7m 20 high ...

Replica of Poitiers
(Vienne) : The statue is located on Liberty Square. It is almost in line, but the torch is very large, very long. This statue was donated to the city by the Masonic Lodge in 1903, ie one year before the death of Bartholdi. Instead took the name "Freedom Square" after 1822 following the death of General Berton, guillotined, which had the last words "Long Live Freedom".

Replica of Rozay-en-Brie
(Seine-et-Marne) : This statue is one that departs furthest from the original. Wearing a Phrygian cap in place of the crown of rays, she holds her ground tablet, and is armed. It is in this list because it is commonly accepted as a replica of the Statue of Liberty in New York, but too many differences make it incompatible with that status.

Replica of Roybon
(Isère) : This is a historic replica of the statue, located on the main square. It was donated by Bartholdi in honor of Henry St Romme, a prominent figure of the Second Republic, from Isère, her son Mathias Saint Romme, who has installed in Roybon. This statue is 3 meters high and it is an exact replica of the one in New York.

Replica of St-Affrique
(Aveyron) : Sise Freedom Square, the statue was installed in this place in 1889 to mark the centenary of the French Revolution. The monumental fountain that sat there was moved to a public garden. In 1942, during World War II, the statue was melted by the Germans to recover the bronze as well as to remove this symbol of freedom. His replacement was passed at the end of the war, but no company could not provide a suitable reply, then in 1946 the pedestal of the statue was removed. It was not until 2006 that the municipality is back Miss Liberty in the instruments of the artist André Debru Smith, who made wrought iron work very modern.

Replica of St-Cyr-sur-Mer
(Var) : Portalis on site there is a golden statue holding a lamp instead of the traditional torch. Inaugurated in 1913, on the occasion of the installation of the first drinking water network in the city, it is offered by Anatole Ducros, a wealthy owner of St Cyr. It is cast iron and coated with a thin gold coating and measuring 2.50m high.

Replica of St-Etienne
(Loire) : This statue was set up in 1915, but is unusual, it was never officially inaugurated. Initially Badouillère place, it is now place Jules Ferry.

Replica of St-Germain-la-Forêt
(Loir-et-Cher) : In Saint-Germain-la-Foret, near Blois, visitors can come across a beautiful reproduction of the Statue of Liberty. It is blue in color, measuring approximately 2.50m and is on a high pedestal, but rather simple. It serves as an advertising sign for a hotel. This is a rather strange vision than this statue here. Note that this is not true copy, she too frank smile and details of her toga are not reproduced correctly.

Replica of Soulac-sur-mer
(Gironde) : The Statue of Liberty is bronze. Fondue by Thiebault workshops. It was bought in 1980 by the municipality of Soulac-sur-Mer who wanted to mark the shipment of Lafayette to America. Prior to final installation, the statue was in stocks in the Paris Arthus-Bertrand, but we do not know its exact origin.

Replica of Vascoeuil
(Eure) : Very nice statue by Dali. Its characteristic? She raises both arms! Note the presence of a copy of the statue at the entrance to Cadaqués, Spain, where the artist lived for a long time.
See also: