There are several replicas of the Statue of Liberty in Canada. No wonder that because the United States are really close and some people on the spot, have the same desire to show their love of the statue at home, like the Americans. On the other hand, there are quite a few public statues. In France, it is exactly the opposite, with many public statues and few belonging to private individuals.

Replica of Arnprior
With its 6 feet tall this copy of the Statue of Liberty stands proudly outside the residence of Alphonso da Rosora, garden ornaments designer. It is at 90 Jackson Lane, just off of Highway 17 in Arnprior, Ontario (Canada). Its garden is full of various decorations, including this statue that exceeds other. It is easy to watch, but be careful because there are no nearby place to park. She was previously at 1099 Carp Road in Stittsville. This statue is original in its base, of Greco-Roman style, while the base of the statue is true neoclassical. THE statue itself is very well made, with folds of the franc toga, but it is an original work: The tablet is held vertically and too open face to the public, the crown has too thick rays and the toga of the actual statue does not go back on her left shoulder that much. And as most of the time, there is no trace of the broken chains of slavery on this replica.

Replica of Blainville
Blainville is a city in Canada, it also has a replica of the Statue of Liberty. We must get to the park where the ice freezes in the winter, which allows for ice skating. It is well known locally. In the park there is a small building adjacent to the statue very well reproduced. It is open access, simply go there to see it.

Replica of Coquitlam
This Canadian replica of the statue is in the city of Coquitlam is an advertising sign located in front of the Best Western hotel. Coquitlam is in British Columbia. It is visible from the motorway, when you go to Vancouver. It is not extraordinary, the folds of her gown are fairly marked, especially those of her outstretched arm, and the tablet is a little too far from the body. One positive all the same, her face quite close to that of the original statue, (just a little too chubby) and the golden color of the windows of the crown, very well done, unlike many statues that have hair and all painted in gold crown, which weighed down the whole. The base, it is one of the worst we can find: a large block of concrete without charm.

Replica of Lebec
This replica is probably made of resin in a mold which offers copies not really consistent. It is her face that shocks most, too small, dominated by her hair and especially its crown too high and too thick spokes. Apart from that, the rest is not bad that way. She even has broken the chains of slavery to her feet, which is very rare for a replica. It is placed on a small stone pedestal in the same style as the original base, but much smaller and simpler. It is located along the road just in front of the Best Western Liberty Inn at 5521 Dr. Dennis McCarthy, Lebec, Canada. Take the exit I-5 exit 219, north of the "Petro truck stop."

Replica of Montebello
It is in the city of Montebello, Canada, that we can admire the replica of the statue. Sitting on a wooden pedestal homemade, it is about the size of an adult and holding in her right hand a lamp for illuminating the bar entrance adorns it. For the reality is that it is a commercial object to attract customers. The bar is the "Central Bar" Montebello. An anecdote: the base has a plate on which is marked "The Statue of Liberty enlightening" Le Monde "on" the Outaouais "

Réplique of Ottawa
This small statue is pretty well done, but it is not visible because it is located in Ottawa, in the backyard of the restaurant "Chez Mario" on the east side of the main avenue. It is fiberglass and is mounted on a small base.

Replica of Pointe-Lebel
Pointe-Lebel is a city in Canada which also has a replica of the statue. This is a homemade, or at least an amateur work for the little resemblance to the original. But the effort is considerable, it has a very large size. This is a private project, it is in the courtyard of a local taxidermist. It can be seen from the outside.

Replica of St-Jean-sur-Richelieu
It was at St Jean de Richelieu that the visitor can see the statue on the side of the road in a park. She's very pretty. Its green color is dark, far more than the original statue.
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