Argentina, like its neighbor Brazil, has some replicas scattered throughout its territory, but almost always in large cities.

Replica of Belgrano
In Argentina there is a copy near Buenos Aires, on the town square Barrancas de Belgrano. This statue is made of iron, it was purchased by the town in 1910. It was probably melted in the same mold as that of Paris.

Replica of General-Piran
General Piran is a town in the province of Buenos Aires in the South. In Ocean aboard, she had 2,896 inhabitants in 2001. It is one of the few places in Argentina where there is a statue of Liberty. It is especially well done, probably in bronze. It seems to be a true copy, with the exception of her torch, replaced here by public lighting. It has a narrow and high pedestal all white look great.

Replica of General-Rodriguez
General Rodriguez is a suburb of Buenos Aires, in the extreme west of the city. We find this curious massive statue of approximately 6 meters high, relatively well done. It is perched on a small base of simple square shape. It is not known its origin and role. All we can know is that it is on private land, which seems to be in an industrial area.

Replica of Munro
Munro is a neighborhood in Buenos Aires. It is here, in a street rather poor, we can see this rather impressive statue in front of a trade. This is a true copy, which is rare. The statue is not in very good condition, alas. It has no base as it is already high.

Replica of Munro
City of the province of Buenos Aires, Olavarria is a regional capital of 111 320 inhabitants (in 2010). In one of the city parks stands the replica of the Statue of Liberty, stone pedestal on a rather bombastic but respecting the proportion of the statue. The set is a little too gray and dull, but the environment compensates the overall aesthetics of the monument. He is accompanied by two masts.

Replica of San Juan
San Juan
In Argentina, the real curiosity is in San Juan where a statue that was destined to the city of San Juan ... Puerto Rico! Since no time knows why or how it landed in the wrong country, but it is always she is still there!
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