FAQ about Egypt


FAQ about Egypt

At the end of 2010 the population of Egypt is 96 million. This figure is relatively high for a country of this size, geographically speaking. The population density is extreme in the cities is very low in the countryside since the country is largely covered with desert.

See also demography of Egypt.

Egypt is a Republic. It is a democratic country in which the population is part of a certain nationalism. The Republic is young, the country having been independent only on February 28, 1922.

See also nationalism in Egypt.

Traditionally, Egypt is divided into five geographical regions. This division is dictated by climatic conditions, vegetation, geology. There is :

  • The Nile and its valley
  • The dam area
  • The Libyan desert and its oases
  • The Arabian desert and its coast on the Red Sea
  • Le Sinaï

See also the detail of geographical division.

Musically speaking, artistically speaking, gastronomically speaking, Egyptian culture has the essential characteristic of being of popular essence. Here, it is the daily life which has trained, over the years, culinary know-how or local craftsmanship.

See also culture in Egypt.

It is fluctuating. Having become highly industrialized after the Second World War, its agriculture followed the trend of mass production in order to feed in self-sufficiency the population which is growing at a frantic pace, alas without achieving it. The global economic crises hit the country as everywhere, but the population, straddling traditional jobs and high value-added jobs, is only weakly performing well.

See also economy of Egypt.

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