Palace of quiet longevity


Palace of quiet longevity

Palace of quiet longevity (Ningshougong)

It is a palace that stands on the north-south axis of the central part, at the front of the complex. To get there, one must first go through the gate of quiet longevity (Ningshoumen), then cross the palace of imperial perfection (Huangjimen). The Palace of the Tranquil Longevity is a structure with seven arches wide and three deep with a single roof. It has a room in the west in which the preparation of sacrificial rites took place. Today, the Palace of the Tranquil Longevity, as well as the Imperial Perfection Pavilion, has been transformed into a fine art exhibition hall of the Palace Museum, which has more than 100,000 paintings dating back to the Jin Dynasty ( 265-420) at the end of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Each year, new paintings are chosen from this large collection for display.

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Websites of the same author: The Pyrénées-Orientales, Marguerite Duras, Wonders of the world, Roman Emperors.