Gate of unified harmony


Gate of unified harmony

Gate of unified harmony (Xiehemen)

Gate of unified harmony

Gate of unified harmony

The door of mutual harmony separates the outer courtyard to the eastern part of the outer annexes, it is through this passage that we can go to the pavilion of literary glory through the park that is there find. The eastern gate of the Forbidden City and the Grand Secretariat of the Ming Dynasty are also accessible. This door was originally called Gate of Obedience. Emperor Shunzhi, who reigned from 1644 to 1661, renamed it after its restoration. During the mid-fifteenth century war, Emperor Jingtai (1450-1456) held his noon hearings here.

Another fact occurred at this gate in 1425. In the early years of Jiajing's reign (1522-1567) there was a controversy in the adoption of the imperial lineage. To mark their disapproval of the Emperor's decisions, some 200 ministers knelt at that door and shouted violently to make their voices heard.

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Websites of the same author: The Pyrénées-Orientales, Marguerite Duras, Wonders of the world, Roman Emperors.