The Eiffel Tower in songs


The Eiffel tower in songs

With such a great aura, and representative of Paris as a whole, the Eiffel Tower had to figure prominently in the French song. It is, but much less than you would expect. Indeed, people as Americans, very patriotic, might be surprised at the low use of this monument in the song. One can easily imagine what they would have done with them. Besides, they are not deprived of it, there are quite a lot of American songs putting forward the glories of the United States. Despite all the Eiffel Tower is still present in the French musical landscape, and fortunately. The earliest known song dates back to the end of the 19th century, shortly after the construction of the tower. It was sung by Yvette Guilbert, on words of Leo Xanrof, and was entitled "The Eiffel Tower". In 1900 another song highlights the tower, "It's not worth the Eiffel Tower" (words of Richard O'Monroy), it was sung by Marguerite Deval. André Perchicot also sang the tower, in "When we see the Eiffel Tower", a 1930 song by Lucien Dommel and Valfy.

In the 40's the tower inspired several authors. Thus in 1942 Mistinguett sings "The Eiffel Tower is still there", in 1946 it is Jacques Hélian who sang "Paris-Eiffel Tower" and two years later you could hear "The tower of Monsieur Eiffel", written by Jean Nohain and Mireille and sung by Leo Marjane. Gilles Servat, wrote and sang to him "Eiffel Tower", almost the same simple title as the song of Eric Toulis, "The Eiffel tower". Lastly, more recently, the song "The Sidereal Eiffel Tower" by Arthur H (1996)

More anecdotally this monument is also used in the text of the songs, but there, the list would be almost infinite. However, let's mention:

  • Michel Emer: "Paris, but it's the Eiffel Tower ..."
  • Charles Trenet: "There is joy, the Eiffel Tower goes on a ride ..."
  • Léo Ferré: "Paris wore its big cross ..."
  • Jacques Dutronc: "The Eiffel Tower is cold feet ..."
  • Pascal Obispo: "It's my reason my Eiffel Tower ..."


The Champs de Mars is located at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, it is a vast esplanade of lawn allowing the reception of many people. No wonder then that it is served as an outdoor show site, with the monument in the background. The best known of these concerts is undoubtedly the one given on June 10, 2000 by Johnny Hallyday ... which a live album will be shot ("Live at the Eiffel Tower", 2000). Jean-Michel Jarre also gave a big concert in the fields of Mars, it was the 14 of July 1995, French national day. It was to celebrate 50 years of UNESCO. On this occasion there were more than one million spectators.

See also:

The Eiffel tower on art

Description of the Eiffel tower

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Websites of the same author: The Pyrénées-Orientales, Marguerite Duras, Wonders of the world, Roman Emperors.