Copies, replicas and reproductions of the Eiffel Tower in Russia


Copies of the Eiffel tower in Russia

Replica of Abakan

Replica of Abakan


This copy of the Eiffel Tower is as beautiful as incongruous. We are in Abakan, Khakassia, in Krasnoyarsk territory. This city has in its heart a garden with a large white Eiffel Tower which we do not know everything: Origin, construction, symbol, etc. Still, it is pretty well reproduced, and that the white color is rather original. It is intended to be a perfect copy, they even reproduced the 3 floors in a manner almost correct, with the exception of the 3rd, which does not stand out of the void as is the case on the original tower. The lower part of the tower, too, is a bit too flat to look like the real Eiffel Tower.

It is also unclear what great cables can be used from the top to the ground.

Replica of Irkoutsk

Replica of Irkoutsk


The city of Irkutsk, Russia, also has a copy of the Eiffel Tower, but there are currently no photos available. It is metal, rather well reproduced, for a height of approximately 3m. She is on the pavement in front of a French cafe.

Replica of Nikitin

Replica of Nikitin


This copy of the Eiffel Tower, very well reproduced, is in the city of Nikitin, in the province of Voronezh, Russia. It is exposed as a statue, on a pedestal made to its dimensions, in front of the gymnasium of the city. It is 3n24 high, 1% of the height of the original tower (scale 1/100 th).

This reproduction is quite pretty, it is perfectly built, with a correct scale. It is lit at night by 4 small projectors that were installed at the top, under the campanile (which, him, is pretty missed ...). Note that the base is painted with the same patterns as the walls of the gym and the wall, which is rather original.

Replica of Parizh

Replica of Parizh

St Petersbourg

In Parizh, Russia, when the Russians want to build a telecommunications pylon, they do not forget that the city bears the same name as the French capital ... Parizh = Paris, in Russian) Hence the rather incongruous presence of this pylone shaped Eiffel Tower. But for a pylon, it is rather very well reproduced: Proportion respected, curvature of correct pillars, many braces, etc. We are not talking about an attempt at perfect copies because the designers of this tower did not intend to reproduce the 3 floors, but they still materialized. The summit is equipped with telecommunication antennas used for mobile phones.

Built in 2005 by the South Ural mobile phone company, it is still 50 meters tall, a scale of 1/6 th.

Replica of St Petersbourg

Replica of St Petersbourg

St Petersbourg

St Petersburg, Russia, boasts of having a Replica of the Eiffel Tower. This is obviously an opinion shared by many people on the Internet, that's why it is mentioned here. But as much to say it immediately: There is nothing in common with the Eiffel Tower, according to me. It is a large cylindrical pylon surrounded by a light conical structure. It is the presence of this structure vaguely reminiscent of the Parisian tower, as the upper floor below the disproportionate antennas that we see in this photo.

See also:

All the copies of the Eiffel tower in the world


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Websites of the same author: The Pyrénées-Orientales, Marguerite Duras, Wonders of the world, Roman Emperors.