Replica of la torre del Reformador
Torre del Reformador
In Guatemala a metal tower was erected along an avenue of Guatemala City, it is called the Reform Tower (Torre del Reformador). She is known on the Internet for being a copy of the Eiffel Tower, but honestly there is little resemblance between the two. The common points are the presence of 4 inclined pillars united by decorative arches, which meet in a single pylon rising in the sky. It also has a structure of the same style, metal, but that's about all because the number of differences is much greater: round pylons instead of square, no floor, curvature almost non-existent, ... It still looks more like Tintin's rocket in "Objectif Lune" than the Eiffel Tower ...
Otherwise, note that this tower is still 75m high (1/5th of the Eiffel Tower), and it was erected in 1935.
See also: