Replica of Apach
This copy of the Eiffel Tower is one of the rare to be presented as a statue, it is on a solid base, concrete rather simple. It is located in the village of Apach, France, on the border with Germany and Luxembourg. In the village she is at the entrance. There are letter-cut bushes that write the word "Apach" right next to it. We do not know why this tower was built.
Aesthetically it is a rather successful tower. As she is small, there is little chance that there is all the details, which is the case, but we can not blame the manufacturer. On the other hand, the curvature of the tower is very well respected, and it is something rare on the replicas, especially on the replicas of big sizes. A small flaw, however, the 4 pillars join the level of the 2nd floor on the real Eiffel Tower while here they join at mid-height between the 2nd and 3rd floor.

Replica of Auxerre
This Replica of the Eiffel Tower no longer exists ... In fact it only existed 2 days, during the "Festi'Briques" which takes place in Auxerre. The "Festi'Briques" is an exhibition specialized in Lego. On 2000m 2 of surface to Auxerrexpo the enthusiasts came to show their know-how by mounting the famous bricks to do many things. This Eiffel Tower is over 5m high and required 150,000 bricks. "This is a world record height for a model of Eiffel tower in Lego non-glued," said Frédéric Veuillotte, secretary of the association and owner of the tower. "It has no frame and is completely removable". To mount the structure, Frédérique Veuillotte and David Constant, who took care of this model, used a scaffolding to join the upper and lower parts of the Eiffel Tower.
The work done by these two people lives up to their passion. Borrowing a great realism, this copy is almost perfect. The curvature is not strong enough, but apart from that everything else is done correctly. The braces, especially, are very realistic, as the third floor, always difficult to imitate.

Replica of Bistrot
This copy was ephemeral, it was built on June 24, 2014 by a furniture chain that highlighted the quality of its furniture during this day. Indeed, this Eiffel Tower consists only of bistro chairs! It seems incredible, but yet it is the case, it took quite a lot to reach this tower more than 10m high. Only the 2nd floor, 3rd floor and the campanile and its antenna are not in bistro chairs.
This is a real tour de force, a very original ephemeral work.

Replica of Buissieres-les-Belmont
Beautiful copy of the Eiffel Tower than that of Buissières-les-Belmont, France. It is a Replica of large size, about 30m high, whose general appearance is very well reproduced. What he shocks the most, looking closer, is the lack of height of the third floor. The 2nd floor is just marked, it is not really built. But this copy is still very well done.

Replica of Elancourt
In the Paris region, in Elancourt, there is an amusement park based on the main monuments of France which are reproduced on a reduced scale. Very nice park, it contains of course a copy of the Eiffel Tower. It measures 10m high and weighs 3.2 tonnes. Its exterior appearance is close to perfection, but to look closely we see that the four pillars have no beams on the inside, while the real Eiffel Tower has. This architectural detail aside, the rest of the tower is perfectly reproduced, especially the 3 floors that are always the hardest to do.

Replica of Fourviere
In France there are several copies of the Eiffel Tower, but it is probably that of Fourvière, Lyon, which is the best reproduced. And for good reason, because it was built in 1892, very shortly after the Eiffel Tower. It has therefore benefited from the same construction techniques as the original. It is 85.9m high, about a quarter of the normal height.
This tower is really similar to Paris, it has the same characteristics. It has only one floor, so it looks like the upper part of Eiffel. It serves as a telecommunication antenna, that's why it has a white elevation.

Replica of Menton
Sacred bet that to reproduce the Eiffel Tower in lemons ... A curious idea of the city of Menton, specialized in the production of this citrus fruit, which, to celebrate its flagship product during the annual festival, built this tower in 2012. Aside from the metal structure and lighting, all the filling is made of lemons and orange, for some specific parts. Note the agglomeration of lemons on the top of the tower, it's impressive!

Replica of the Eiffel tower
It is a small mise en abyme that takes place here, since this copy - stylized - of the Eiffel Tower is on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower! This is a small structure, probably in ice, which was mounted next to the lapatinary, the winter where such an ice rink was installed at this curious place. Well, she does not want to hear a faithful copy, of course.

Replica of St Jean d'Illac
St Jean d'Illac
This vegetable tower was set up in St Jean d'Illac in 2014 for an agricultural event. It is made thanks to a metal structure with floor ... and a good amount of various vegetables!

Replica of St Hilaire
St Hilaire
The palm of originality goes to the Eiffel Tower of St Hilaire, a small village in the Meuse. This village houses since September 1890 a copy of the Eiffel Tower ... in his cemetery! Mr Darbois, one of the owners of the village, had a seven-meter-high Eiffel Tower erected on his father's and mother's grave and surmounted by a cross. On the first floor is a statue of St. Joseph, and a marble plaque, placed between the feet of the Tower, lists the names of the deceased. This idea of resting his parents in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower has raised the reprobation of some, the admiration of others. Nowadays the tower has been partially destroyed, but it still remains the entire lower part of the building.

Replica of St Hilaire de Riez
St Hilaire de Riez
Very strange, this Eiffel Tower was ephemeral, it was disassembled now. It was 31m high, one-tenth the size of the original for 12 tonnes. When we observe it we are struck by the quality of reproduction. Admittedly, it is far from perfect but when you know that it is a craft, a particular, Mr. Maindron, we say that it is still well done. It is a very original construction, but which had no particular objective behind.

Replica of Soing
This Eiffel Tower is in Soing, France. This is a construction done by volunteers in 1992 to symbolize France at the Eurosaône festival on July 12 this year, a party that took place in Seveux. Twenty years later she was still there for a first restoration. Completely dismantled then repainted, it has been rebuilt identically.
It is very well done, it must be said, although its 4 pillars are a little too fragile (or at least they seem to be). But we must salute these volunteers who did a very nice job, to see on the spot. For information, this tower is at 1:20 th. It weighs 2 and a half tons for 16m height.

Replica of Waldighoffen
Here is one of the few Eiffel Tower that was built of wood. Unfortunately it has since disappeared, it was built in the 50s to commemorate the Liberation of the city in September 1945. It was built near the Power Station, rue de la République. Its author is Henri Ueberschlag, an EDF agent.
This tower was 6m high, at a scale of 1:50, and required 364 pieces of wood of all sizes and 232 braces to give it stability. She was the highlight of the show organized that day. It is clear that for assembly of wood, it was very well done.
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