Copies, replicas and reproductions of the Eiffel Tower in Denmark


Copies of the Eiffel tower in Denmark

Replica of Copenhagen

Replica of Copenhagen


This wooden tower is probably one of the farthest in this site. Its presence is due to the fact that it is often considered a copy of the Eiffel Tower, but the resemblance is very small. It is located in Copenhagen Zoo, the capital of Denmark.

Its common attributes with the Eiffel Tower are its base, pyramidal shape, and the upper, vertical, reminiscent of the upper part of the tower. Both are cut by rectilinear floors with walkways. When at the top, the kind of Danish cupola reminiscent of the initial bell tower of the tower, that of the early twentieth century. But apart from that there is little resemblance between the two.

Replica of Slagelse

Replica of Slagelse


In 1890, a copy of the Eiffel Tower was inaugurated in Slagelse, Denmark. It was wooden and measured 140 meters high, an impressive monument. On its first platform, there were restaurants and at the top shone an electric light. This tower has been dismounted since, there is no trace of it nowadays.

See also:

All the copies of the Eiffel tower in the world


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Websites of the same author: The Pyrénées-Orientales, Marguerite Duras, Wonders of the world, Roman Emperors.