Copies, replicas and reproductions of the Eiffel Tower in Belgium


Copies of the Eiffel tower in Belgium

Replica of Bruxelles

Replica of Bruxelles


This replica of the Eiffel Tower is in Brussels, in the Mini-Europe Park. It is an amusement park with 350 miniature European monuments. This is not a park so original that since there are several on this theme everywhere. This Eiffel Tower is particularly well reproduced, it is a true copy ... what it is not. The main defect is at the top, at the antennas, whose size and shape does not correspond to the reality of the tower. The 4 metal arches that hold the antenna do not exist either, but they recall the shape that the tower had in 1889, at the time of its inauguration.

There is another flaw, namely the fact that the pillars do not quite join the 2nd floor but higher, whereas on the real tower, the 2nd floor really serves as a place of joining of the 4 pillars . Otherwise you have to admire the precision of the reproduction: The beams, the decorations, the floors are all very well done. This copy measures 13m96 and is 1:25 th.

See also:

All the copies of the Eiffel tower in the world


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Websites of the same author: The Pyrénées-Orientales, Marguerite Duras, Wonders of the world, Roman Emperors.